Everything you ever wanted to know about integration (but were afraid to ask)
December 15, 2023
In today’s interconnected world, businesses rely on a vast array of software systems, applications and platforms to streamline operations and deliver superior customer experiences. However, as organizations strive to compete , the complexity of their technology landscape grows. This complexity often results in data silos, inefficient processes and missed opportunities. That’s where integration comes in. …
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Five lessons for harmonious integration
November 29, 2023
Any modern brand knows that continuously giving your customers better experiences means you sell more. It relies on the harmonious connection of your technology landscape. With nearly two decades of partnering with some amazing businesses in transformative projects, we have learnt a thing or two about business processes and the technology that enables them. Here …
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When “M” is the best letter in the acronym alphabet
October 5, 2023
We really hate acronyms but sometimes, they are a necessary evil. Anyone who is looking at integrating a lot of systems and applications will most likely come across iPaaS (that’s Integration-Platform-as-a-Service). But you may not have heard of iaaMS. It means Integration-as-a-Managed-Service, and it’s here to make life better.
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Are you a retailer who wants to innovate? Meet Composable Architecture.
January 5, 2023
As a retailer in an era where customer expectations constantly evolve, you know that you need agility and innovation to stay ahead. For modern challenges you need modern tech. Composable architecture, a transformative approach embraced by AgilyCom, a leading provider of Integration-as-a-Managed-Service, is really gaining traction. This blog post delves into the advantages of composable …
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